Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Year

Yesterday, May 20th, marked our one year anniversary in the DR. All day long I kept thinking, “This time last year we were...on a plane...driving to our home...having our first dinner with the other missionaries...” It's wild to think that it's been a year. As the date was approaching I tried to come up with a list of things I've learned in this year:

  • I can live without air conditioning, a dryer, a microwave, and Chick-Fil-A sandwiches!
  • Hugs and tears are a powerful language.
  • Kids are kids no matter where you are.
  • Keeping in touch with friends and family is more difficult than we thought.
  • Do things while you can because you never know when the power might go out!
  • Vanilla is a good mosquito repellent.
  • Church 3 and sometimes 4 times a week really isn't that bad!
  • Everything about us was made to be here.

I asked Kate last night what was her favorite thing about living here and she answered, “The food!” Lovely! About a month ago she drew a picture of herself and titled it “Kate, la Princesa de la Republica Dominicana”--Kate, the princess of the Dominican Republic. She is doing great learning the language and living a happy life. I am so grateful for her ease in transitions. I am also grateful for the friendships we've made, the miracles we've seen, the people we have the privilege to minister to on a daily basis. We couldn't ask for more!



Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has been a year. How time flies. We continue to pray for you, John and Kate. Blessings to each of you.
Cammie Evans

Anonymous said...

You guys are missed greatly, but what an inspiration to read how God has confirmed your calling, knit you in so tightly with your new family in the DR, and continues to give you exactly what you need... when you need it.

God is good!

Love & blessings,
Dave, Tara and Xander

Anonymous said...

how awesome!!
We truly miss you, but know that you are doing great things and are exactly where you should be! Who could ask for anything more! (Can you hear me singing?!)

Teresa O'Brien

Unknown said...

WOW, a whole year,Krysta say's let's have a play date, Carl says that we hope you come to Fl. so we can see you. I Zudie, still look for you in the toddler room. What a great life you all are leading. I'll never see chicklets,or moped's, or chuckie cheese the same again. LOVE YOU SO MUCH ZUDIE,RODNEY,CARL,KRYSTA

Anonymous said...

What a year it has been! I am so glad you guys are enjoying life in the DR! I cannot imagine how much you have all had to adjust and think it is remarkable! You are in our prayers and we miss you! I love reading about your lives there and all Kate's funny stories. I love hearing about her and how she has adjusted ... I know she must be such a joy in your lives. Watching her grow and share Christ's love with all those around her at such a young age must make you both so proud of her! I look forward to reading more about all that you are doing in the DR and will continue to pray for you all! In Him, Mandie McKenzie

Anonymous said...

We have loved following you along your journey in the DR!! It is so exciting to see God's hand in all of your lives. Blessings to you,

Nic & Yvonne

Anonymous said...

We love ya'll a "Bushel and a Peck"
Mom and Dad