Monday, August 27, 2007

Chicken Poop and Pastors

I was in Redemption Village visiting Pastor Alejandro and his family.

HANLEYWIKI - Redemption Village is a mostly Haitian village where New Missions sponsors a school program. There are about 200 homes, and they are all cinder block homes approximately 12 foot by 12 foot divided in the middle. Some have been added to while others the owners have divided in half and rented the other side to another family.

Pastor Alejandro and his wife Noelia, have five children. He is Dominican and pastors a Spanish-speaking church we hope to visit this Saturday. I have been visiting the three pastors that have churches in Redemption Village to begin planning the Health Center programs in this area. I was visiting with Alejandro with Kate and Melissa. There was a baby chick running around on the floor, and Pastor Alejandro picked it up and handed it to Kate so that she could hold it. As we were talking Kate and the kids were playing with the chick, and eventually Kate handed it to me. Melissa and I were talking outside the home on the way to the truck, and yep that Chicken pooped on my shirt. It's all in a days work here in the DR.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

ooo my John. haha...I'm randomly looking up Dominican Republic on google, and I come to a page of "Chicken Poop and Pastors," by the Hanleys. hahahahahaha..Hope everything's well.