My plan for Saturday was to try to clear out the house so I could work on the message I am sharing Sunday morning, well fortunately I got some work done on it yesterday, because that sure didn't happen. Friday night, we had three extra kids staying the night. Kate had a friend over, and Michael had two. Melissa needed to be at a Women's Breakfast by 8:30, and I needed to have Michael and one of his friends at soccer by 9:00, so we were all up and out of the house at 8:30. We dropped Melissa off at her breakfast, got Michael and his friends to soccer (the other friend wanted to stay and watch), and then Kate, Rhea, and I headed to breakfast where we met up with another of Kate's friends and her dad, and Dustin. Breakfast was not the best experience, it was the first time to try a place close to the soccer field. After breakfast we picked Michael and Kate back up headed home where we were joined by two more girls, and two more boys. The boys jumped in the pool for a while while the girls played in the house, and the picture at the kitchen counter is them getting lunch, a salami and cheese sandwhiches with avocadoes and chips. The picture at the bottom is all of them somehow enjoying playing a computer game. As I'm typing this up three more girls have come over, so we are up to six girls and five boys.
Even though it wasn't the day I had planned it has been a good day, and somewhat typical around here!